Accurate Allergy Testing for Dogs, Cats and Other Pets at East Hill Animal Hospital

East Hill Animal Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, offers expanded allergy testing for pet owners

East Hill Animal Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, offers exceptional allergy testing services to diagnose and manage pet itching and other allergy-related issues. Understanding that allergies can cause significant discomfort and health problems, our experienced veterinary team is dedicated to identifying the root causes of your pet’s symptoms.

Our comprehensive allergy testing includes blood tests, referral to a dermatologist for skin tests, and elimination diets to pinpoint specific allergens affecting your pet. By accurately identifying the cause, we can create personalized treatment plans to alleviate itching, inflammation, and other allergy symptoms.

Treatment options may include hypoallergenic diets, medications, and immunotherapy to help desensitize your pet to allergens. By effectively managing allergies, we aim to improve your pet’s comfort and quality of life.

East Hill Animal Hospital’s commitment to advanced diagnostic techniques and compassionate care ensures that your pet receives the best treatment for their allergy issues. Trust us to help your pet find relief from itching and other allergy-related discomforts, providing a happier, healthier life.

photo of doctors looking at a small dog

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